BLOK Dental News
News, Educational Articles, & Tips on
All Things BLOK Dental
It Starts With A Positive Experieince
We are a dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile, using state-of-the-art procedures that result in beautiful smiles!
Your Child’s First Dental Appointment
Your child’s first dental visit sets the foundation for a lifetime of oral health. Your baby’s first tooth is an exciting landmark: it represents the reward for all of those long nights and inconsolable fussing that you and your baby have suffered through, and a...
Mask Mouth: the importance of oral care during the Coronavirus Pandemic
With increasing support for mandatory masking laws in many cities and provinces across Canada, Saskatoon dentists are concerned about the oral health implications of prolonged mask use. When worn properly, a mask can reduce the spread of the coronavirus, but there are...
BLOK Dental Re-Opening With Measures in Place For Your Safety
Opening June 15th!! We are pleased to be re-opening BLOK Dental for regular operations on June 15th, with new and enhanced protocols in place to protect our patients. We have been busy working on obtaining equipment, making changes to the clinic to accommodate extra...
Re-Opening Update
To Our Dear Patients, We miss you dearly!! While we love being with our families at home during the quarantine, and enjoy a forced homestay to hone our cooking and cleaning skills, we are looking forward to seeing you again very soon. As many of you may be...
Welcome to the New BLOK Dental Studio Website
The team at BLOK Dental Studio are excited to announce the launch of their fresh new website. The website is intended to be a useful resource for our patients and new patients. We also wanted to showcase our location, atmosphere, and staff to introduce the clinic to...